Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Wedding Vids

Ya I know. Super boring but if I put these up here The Wife might be nicer to me.

Free Water

It is raining here in Bend. Like, Seattle raining. It rained last night too. I can't remember the last time it rained at night here. Years ago probably. Thunderstorms roll in usually every other afternoon and flood the streets (since we have NO storm drainage anywhere) but it is usually an hour affair and then back to sunshine. Not today. Guess the Sportster will have to wait another day.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Salmonfly Silliness

Went to the D with Whit and Code Red for a float from WS to TC. Around 600 boaters passes sold for Sat so we camped at the Riffle in WS Fri night and did a day float Sat instead of jockeying for a camp spot. Holy crowded!!!! And it was hotter than Haites.

Fished the Honey Hole Friday night.

The sky looked like this:

And the grass looked like this:

I caught some of these on dries:

Whit fished with one of these:

Then we floated Sat:

What to do when a jerk off is in almost every spot on the river?

Salmonfles were all over us:

They even wanted a hit off my PSD3 EL 2001:

But mostly they wanted to do this:

Which is fine 'cause Whit mostly wanted to do this:

But her methods didn't lead to this!

Or this!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

I'm Bringing It Back

Lacoste. Remember the croc? You saw it here first!